Empowered healing

one breath at a time

Dr. Mariela Diocares (she/her)

Emotional Wellness Consultant

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About me

Have the audacity to engage in self-care, always!

Dr. Mariela Diocares is a dedicated educational professional and emotional wellness consultant with extensive experience in teaching, administration, and mental health. With a solid foundation as a faculty member and principal, Mariela has honed her skills in critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the science of teaching and learning. As an emotional wellness consultant, she specializes in trauma and PTSD, anxiety, and coping skills, providing compassionate and effective support to her clients.

Mariela's unique blend of expertise in education and counseling enables her to foster a supportive and inclusive environment, whether in academic settings or therapeutic sessions. She is passionate about empowering individuals and organizations to weave kindness, connection, and resilience into their daily practices, promoting diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Mariela's commitment to helping others overcome barriers to self-care and achieve emotional wellness is at the heart of her professional journey.



Individual and personalized

  • One-on-one sessions to address personal emotional and psychological challenges.
  • Development of personalized strategies for managing stress, anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues.


Stress Management

  • Techniques for identifying and reducing stress triggers.
  • Teaching relaxation methods such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing exercises.


Emotion Regulation

  • Tools for understanding and managing emotions effectively.
  • Guidance on how to cope with difficult emotions like anger, sadness, and fear.


Life Transitions

  • Guidance and support during significant life changes such as career shifts, divorce, loss, or relocation.
  • Helping clients navigate and adjust to new circumstances healthily.





$150 for a 50 minute session


$280 for a 50 minute session

Family (limit 4)

$350 for a 45 minute session

Wellness Plan


$150 for a 50 minute session


$280 for a 50 minute session


$350 for a 45 minute session

Wellness Check-ins

Weekly 15 minutes


Weekly 30 minutes


Weekly 45 minutes


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